【TcaplusDB知识库】集群操作相关命令介绍 说明 集群相关命令只支持腾讯云TcaplusDB版本,不支持本地Docker版环境。本地Docker版本环境默认已经创建好一个集群,用户直接用默认的业务即可,无需重新创建。 帮助信息 获取集群相关命令帮助信息可执行tcapluscli cluster -h,如下: ./tcapluscli cluster Provide baseic commands to operate TcaplusDB cluster. The basic commands includes: create, delete and describe Usage: tcapluscli cluster [flags] tcapluscli cluster [command] Examples: ./tcapluscli cluster [create | delete | describe ] [flags] Available Commands: create Create a TcaplusDB cluster. delete Delete a TcaplusDB cluster. [Cloud Env] describe Get cluster description information. [Cloud Env] Flags: -h, --help help for cluster Use "tcapluscli cluster [command] --help" for more information about a command. 支持操作: 创建集群 删除集群 查询集群信息 创建集群 执行tcapluscli cluster create -h查看相关集群创建信息 Create a TcaplusDB cluster. Only work for cloud environment but not docker environment. Note: The network environment should be confirmed first, such as VPC and Subnet. Usage: tcapluscli cluster create [flags] Examples: ./tcapluscli cluster create [flags] Flags: -n, --cluster-name string required: cluster name -p, --cluster-password string required:cluster password -h, --help help for create -t, --idl-type string required: idl type of cluster: PROTO or TDR -r, --region string required: region name of cluster (default "ap-shanghai") -S, --subnet-id string required: subnet id of cluster -V, --vpc-id string required: vpc id of cluster 命令功能: 支持在指定Region、VPC、子网创建对应的集群 支持创建两种类型表: PROTO, TDR 删除集群 执行tcapluscli cluster delete -h查看相关帮助信息 Delete a TcaplusDB cluster . Only work for cloud environment but not docker environment. Note: The network environment should be confirmed first, such as VPC and Subnet. Usage: tcapluscli cluster delete [flags] Examples: ./tcapluscli cluster delete [flags] Flags: -c, --cluster-id string required: tcaplusdb cluster id -h, --help help for delete -r, --region string required:region name of table (default "ap-shanghai") 命令功能: 删除指定Region下的集群,根据集群ID删除即可 查询集群信息 执行命令tcapluscli cluster describe -h可查看相关帮助信息,如下: Get cluster description information. Only work for cloud environment but not docker environment. If the flag 'cluster-id' is empty, all of cluster infos will be returned. Otherwise the specified cluster info will be returned. Usage: tcapluscli cluster describe [flags] Examples: ./tcapluscli cluster describe --region=ap-shanghai [--cluster-id=1234445] ./tcapluscli cluster describe --region=ap-shanghai --list Flags: -c, --cluster-id string optional: tcaplusdb cluster id -h, --help help for describe -l, --list list all cluster infos, if 'cluster-id' is empty, 'list' flag must be existed -r, --region string required:region name of table (default "ap-shanghai") 命令功能: 支持查询指定cluster id的集群信息 支持查询指定region下的所有集群信息 TcaplusDB是腾讯出品的分布式NoSQL数据库,存储和调度的代码完全自研。具备缓存+落地融合架构、PB级存储、毫秒级时延、无损水平扩展和复杂数据结构等特性。同时具备丰富的生态、便捷的迁移、极低的运维成本和五个九高可用等特点。客户覆盖游戏、互联网、政务、金融、制造和物联网等领域。